Expats Behind the Burners of Jakarta’s Top Eateries

There is a vibrant culinary scene in Jakarta and expats are no stranger to it. French, German, Italian, Australian expats work in kitchens across the city, sharing the same passion for food in what can sometimes be a challenging environment. Sophie Chavanel visited seven expat chefs in their kitchens to find out how they ended up in Jakarta and what makes each restaurant stand out from the crowd. 
Ralf Schmidt
Restaurant: Die Stube
Age: 49
Nationality: German
Moved to Jakarta: 2012

What brought you to Jakarta?
After eight years in Bali, I was looking for a new challenge.

Where were you working before?
Kori restaurant Bar in Kuta.

What is the most difficult ingredient to find?
Quark, it’s a cheese from Germany we use for baking.